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Header for news post - set of 4 corn sprouts

Jul 21, 2021

Microbes Play Role in Corn ‘Hybrid Vigor’

Tiny soil organisms have surprising effects on a crop phenomenon that generally favors hybrid over inbred plants. 

Header for news post - NC State Brick block "S" logo

Jun 4, 2021

Alumni Spotlight: Ben Davis

Ben Davis graduated from NC State in 2004 with a B.S. degree in Microbiology. He then returned to NC State to earn a Master's of Microbial Biotechnology in 2007. Check out what he has been up to since he graduated! 

Header for news post - Shuijin Hu in lab with his student

May 26, 2021

Faculty Focus: Shuijin Hu Breaks Ground with Soils and Climate Change Research

Learn more about the influential researcher who's being honored for career contributions to the science of ecology. 

Header for news post - Bell tower with a beautiful blooming tree in frame

May 12, 2021

NC State Announces Inaugural Goodnight Early Career Innovators

PMB Professor Manuel Kleiner was selected into the inaugural class of the Goodnight Early Career Innovators at NC State. This newly established award recognizes and rewards outstanding STEM faculty early in their career. 

Header for news post - flowers planted in waffle cone bowl with sign that reads "NCSU's Plant and Microbial Biology Dept. SAVICS 2021"

May 10, 2021

2021 Plant and Microbial Biology Departmental Awards and Recognitions

Congratulations to all PMB students, faculty, and staff for all that you have accomplished this academic year. 

Header for news post - Ariel photo pf campus around the Bell Tower

May 5, 2021

Nominees Announced for Inaugural Postdoc Pack Service & Outstanding Postdoc Mentorship Awards

The nominees for the NC State Office of Postdoctoral Affairs and Graduate School’s inaugural Postdoc Pack Service and Outstanding Postdoc Mentorship awards have been announced. 

Header for news post - Alumni Carl Cerniglia giving a presentation

May 3, 2021

Distinguished NCSU Microbiology Alumnus Passes Away, Endowment Established

Dr. Carl Cerniglia, a distinguished NCSU Microbiology Alumnus, passed away in April, but his legacy will live on in an endowment to provide aid for Microbiology students named in his honor. 

Header for news post - photo of Todd Klaenhammer

Mar 10, 2021

Beloved Dairy Researcher Klaenhammer Dies

Probiotics pioneer Todd R. Klaenhammer, an NC State faculty member for 40 years and the first food scientist to be elected to the National Academy of Sciences, died March 6. 

Header for news post - PMB students making ice cream Sundays at the ice cream social

Oct 20, 2020

Fall Plant and Microbial Biology Newsletter

In lieu of our ice cream social event, we have prepared a fall newsletter to introduce new members of our department and to make note of new grants, papers and other achievements of the last year. 

Header for news post - Flyer for L.W. Parks Distinguished Lectureship in Microbiology on September 29, 2020, with head shot of Susan Golden, Ph.D. (HHMI Professor at the Center for Circadian Biology at the University of California San Diego) - Talk titled: "A day in the life of a cyanobacterium: Integrating temporal and environmental information"

Oct 16, 2020

Leo W. Parks Lectureship Expands In Spite of COVID-19

The Leo W. Parks Lectureship in Microbiology was expanded this year to include a panel discussion on Diversity in the Sciences, ePoster Sessions, and the keynote Lecture by Dr. Susan Golden of UC, San Diego.Established