Research Awards
Learn about the research awards offered by the Microbiology Graduate Program.
LW Parks Endowment in Microbiology
The LW Parks Endowment in Microbiology is pleased to invite undergraduate and graduate students to apply for funds to support their research. A one-time award of up to $1000 will be awarded to select candidates who apply. Five awards will be made in 2024.
In order to be considered, (1) you must have a research mentor, (2) you must complete the following application and upload the required documents, and (3) you must be an undergraduate or graduate student with interest in Microbiology and currently enrolled at NC State.
Research awardees will be notified by April 22, 2024. Research must be conducted on a topic in microbiology during the Summer or Fall semester 2024.
Applications are due April 1, 2024
Please click here (LW Parks) to learn more about Professor Leo W. Parks.