Accelerated Bachelor/Master Program
The Master of Microbial Biotechnology (MMB) Program offers an option for an accelerated Bachelor/Master (ABM) degree pathway. The ABM Program provides exceptional undergraduate students at NC State the opportunity to complete the requirements for both Bachelor and Master degrees at an accelerated pace. This is accomplished by students completing up to 12 graduate-level credits (500 or 700 level) during the final year of their undergraduate program that will “double count” toward graduation requirements of both their bachelor and master degree. Students are then able to complete the MMB Program within 12 months of completing their undergraduate degree.

Students typically begin planning for the MMB ABM Program as rising Juniors, though some students may be able to begin planning slightly later, depending on their major and what courses they have already taken. Note that permission to pursue an ABM degree program does not guarantee an admission to the Graduate School. Admission is contingent on meeting eligibility requirements at the time of entering the graduate program.
Student Eligibility Requirements
- Students may apply once they have completed a minimum of seventy-five (75) credit hours in their undergraduate programs, including credits earned from advanced placement, but they must apply before completion of the undergraduate degree.
- Transfer students must have completed a minimum of two semesters as a full time student at NC State, a minimum of 24 hours.
- Students must have a minimum accumulated grade point average (GPA) of 3.500 at NC State at the time of admission into the ABM degree program.
- Individual departments may impose stricter admission requirements.
Application to the Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Program
- A prospective student that meets the eligibility requirements above should schedule a meeting with the director of their undergraduate program and the director or associate director of the MMB Program to develop a tentative plan of work.
- Before admission can be finalized, the student must submit, while still an undergraduate:
- the standard application for admission to the Graduate School including an application, application fee, and transcripts.
- the ABM Plan of Graduate Work, signed by the prospective student and the Directors of Undergraduate and Graduate Programs.
Requirements for Participation and Graduation
- Students must complete the bachelor degree prior to entering the master program. Students in the ABM may not elect to by-pass the bachelor degree.
- Students must receive a grade of B or better in the double-counted graduate-level courses (500 or 700 level). Courses with a grade of B- or below cannot be double-counted between the two degrees.
- No more than twelve (12) hours of graduate work (500 or 700 level) may be counted toward the requirements of both degrees.
- Courses may not be triple counted. If a course is intended to serve as a requirement for the undergraduate and graduate degrees, it must not also be counted toward a minor or certificate program.
- Students must complete the master degree within 12 months from the completion of the bachelor degree. If the master program is not completed within these time limits, none of the courses can be double counted.
- Requirements to complete the ABM MMB Program are the same as that of students in the regular program. ABM students must complete their industry internship in the summer between their undergraduate completion and the start of the MMB year.