Facts and Stats
Here are some of the facts and statistics that set the MMB program at NC State apart from the rest.
Driven and Experienced Students
We admit approximately 15 students each year. This small class size allows us to tailor the program to meet each student’s specific goals. Each student cohort has unique traits, but typically:
- 44% of students have industry experience prior to enrollment
- 56% enter the program directly after undergraduate study
- Over 200 Graduates since the start of the MMB program at NC State.
- 100% of MMB graduates report being satisfied in their careers.
93% Job Placement Rate
Three Months After Graduation With an Average Salary of $ $91,949 Within Six Months of Graduation
Earn an MBA
Students can choose to pursue a dual MMB/MBA degree, which adds just one additional year to the program. It’s a cost-effective option to earn two professional degrees simultaneously. MMB students must apply to the Jenkins MBA program separately during the summer or fall of their second year in the MMB program. Additionally, students must take a minimum of 9 MBA credit hours and can transfer up to 12 MBA credits.