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José Bruno-Bárcena

Professor of Microbiology

Coordinator of the Microbial Biotechnology Concentration

Faculty Advisory Board Member

Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

Thomas Hall 4554


Ph.D. Biological Science Tucuman University 1997

B.S. Biological Science Oviedo University 1990

Area(s) of Expertise

Industrial Microbiology of high-value products including Microbial Communities, Probiotics, Prebiotics, Enzymes, Chemicals, and Biofuels
There is a critical need for the systematic identification and testing of dynamic community behavior as well as gene modulated states participating in the enhancement of cellular stress resistance of cultures. In our laboratory we use the new era of bioprocessing and genomic tools that make it possible control physiological states and to identify point mutations, insertions, deletions and/or translocations that have occurred in offspring strains following defined selection processes. In the near future, this comparative physiological/genetic approach will provide valuable insights for identifying gene combinations and new biochemical pathways, both playing a role in community microbial cross-feeding metabolism. This information may be applied to further improve microbial production or to understand dysbiosis by using strategic strain combinations and/


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