Staff Updates: May 2024

Welcome Jared Symm
Please join us in welcoming our newest Accounts Payable Specialist, Jared Symm, who joined the team on March 25. Jared comes to us with both banking and financial experience having worked at several banks, most recently Peoples Bank, and various other for-profit entities.
Welcome David McClendon
Please join us in welcoming our newest PCard Reconciler, David McClendon, who joined the team on April 10. David brings with him his financial experience from his most recent position at State Employees’ Credit Union.
Farewell Towanna Rouse
Please join us in congratulating Towanna on her new position at East Carolina University. We would like to thank Towanna for her continuous commitment to her faculty, departments, and fellow Post Award Consultants during her more than eight years with our Post Award team. We wish her all of the best in her new position. Her last day was April 16.
Farewell Rita Henry
Please join us in congratulating Rita on her new position within the NC State’s Office of Research & Innovation (ORI). We would like to thank Rita for her dedication to both her PIs and fellow Pre-Award Consultants during her three years with our office, and also for her mentorship, as one of the more senior members of our Pre-Award team. We look forward to working with Rita in her new role in ORI. Her last day was April 30.