REU Stipend Payments Are Not Processed Through Payroll

Please be reminded that REU stipend payments are not processed through payroll. A stipend payment is distinct from a wage or salary because it does not necessarily represent payment for work performed, instead, it represents a payment that enables someone to participate in a specific research project.
Additional Resources:
- Knowledge Base Article: Can I use a small purchase voucher to pay for a fellowship or scholarship?
- The Payment Request Memo – Stipend / REU / REU+ / REG template is available to assist with documenting necessary information.
- REU Pay Instructions
- For additional questions, contact Todd Marcks, Fellowships & Grants Administrator at The Graduate School
Per the University Controller’s Office:
For NCSU students receiving an REU stipend:
- Supplier Type will be “Student.” The system will never indicate “Employee” if they are a student.
- Supplier ID is automatically created when they become a student. Information for the supplier record is pulled from SIS.
- Employment status is not considered when processing the stipend payment.
For Non-NCSU students receiving an REU Stipend (no university affiliation)
- Supplier Type will be “Vendor.”
- Send Paymentworks Invite to complete their supplier registration.
- If full-time permanent employee, contact AP. This is extremely rare.
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