Business Purpose for Journal Vouchers (JVs)

For Journal Vouchers (JVs), a CALS business purpose, as well as an image of the expense back-up (for items requiring back-up, such as PCard receipts) are needed for a JV to be reviewed/approved. Additionally, if the JV is moving items onto the grant, the business purpose must include how that purchase is relevant to the grant/scope of work.
- The purpose can be written on the receipt/documentation (image) or added as an additional page to the back-up or included in the Journal Description – keeping in mind there are character limits for descriptions.
- Please note if the original image includes the CALS business purpose, you do not need to restate that purpose for the journal since the image transfers with the expense line.
- If you have a missing receipt form, then we cannot confirm what was purchased; therefore, the expense(s) would not be able to be JVed.
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