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REMINDER: Summer Salary Training

Please note that the message below was reshared to eligible CALS individuals on February 18. If individuals have already taken and passed the Summer Salary Training, they do not need to retake the course and can ignore the email. If individuals need to be added or removed from the Summer Salary Training, please reach out to Holly Lipkovich with the subject header “Summer Salary Training.” 

Email Message:

The following information is about training you are required to complete by 09-May-2025.

You have been assigned the following requirement:


You are required to complete training for the following reason:

This course is required for faculty members receiving summer salary and administrators who process and/or approve summer salary.

This training is required annually for each of these groups.

Administrators/approvers: This training must be completed before summer salary actions are initiated.

Faculty: This training must be completed before summer salary payments are received. Note: if you don’t complete this training, your summer salary will be delayed.

For questions about this assignment, please contact Research Education and Training Team at

You have also been registered per the following as a part of this assignment — Details about your registration(s) are included below:

Required Online Summer Salary Training 2025

This is an online course. To access the online content for this class, login at, then select the “Course and Events” tile on your dashboard. You will see the class under your Upcoming Course section where you can click the ‘Access Online Content’ button to open the online course.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, NC State will honor requests for reasonable accommodations made by individuals with disabilities.  Please direct accommodation requests to: Research Education and Training, Requests can be served more effectively if notice is provided at least 10 days before the event.

For questions about this registration, please contact Research Education and Training at

You can review your course registration(s) and assignment at 

Thank you.