Interdepartmental Transactions (IDTs): Reminders and Best Practices

NC State University’s best practices for (Interdepartmental Transactions) IDT requests include providing detailed business descriptions and backup documentation to allow reviewers/approvers to fully understand the nature of the request. Please see the Interdepartmental Transaction Manual for more details.
Please submit IDS (Interdepartmental Sale) requests once the service/sale date has passed and the goods or services have been received by the customer/department. An IDS is when one department is billing another department for goods and/or services provided.
Additionally, when submitting internal billing requests please be sure to include the date(s) of service on the department “invoice” that is uploaded into ServiceNow.
Lastly, if your IDS is related to an event/conference/meeting, please be sure to include the flyer or weblink (for the event) as backup documentation.
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