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Changes to Disclosure Requirements for External Professional Activities

Please review the email below that was sent to individuals who may be subject to Conflicts of Interest and Conflicts of Commitment regulations.

Due to the recent changes to NC State REG 01.25.01, the External Professional Activities disclosure (formerly Notice of Intent) form was revised and is now available in RED.

What This Means For You

If you​ are currently engaged in an approved External Professional Activity or plan to engage in an External Professional Activity​ (EPA) — whether paid or unpaid — you’ll need to submit an up-to-date EPA​ Disclosure, formerly known as a Notice of Intent (NOI) form, in RED by Jan. 31st.

As a reminder, in accordance with section 5 of REG 01.25.01, Covered Individuals must:

  • Receive prior approval before engaging in an External Professional Activity, whether paid or unpaid.
  • Renew any EPAs that will continue into a new fiscal year. You will be reminded of this renewal requirement in May of each fiscal year.

If you do not have any EPAs ongoing or planned, no action is required.

Why You Received This Email

You received this notice because you are in a category of personnel subject to NC State REG 01.25.01 – Conflicts of Interest and Conflicts of Commitment.

  • For Extension personnel, please visit our website for additional guidance concerning sponsored or reimbursed in-state travel

Help and Resources

For questions or concerns, please contact us at or request a consultation with the COI Staff by filling out the request form.

Saloni Vahia, Director
COI Office