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Personal Travel and Most Economical Travel

Due to the increase in travel audits and reductions in travel reimbursements (TRs), we are working to document a CALS process for travel review. The purpose is to provide guidance and parameters to travel to decrease instances where TRs are not approved or reimbursement is reduced. In the interim, please see the below guidance/recommendations regarding two key areas:

  1. If adding personal travel to a business trip. The traveler needs to upload documentation as part of the TR (Travel Reimbursement) that proves the addition of the personal time does not increase the cost of the trip (e.g., flight without extra days vs. flight with extra days, hotel without extra days vs. hotel with extra days). 
    • If adding personal time does not increase the cost of the trip, then a PCard can be utilized to pay for the trip. If a PCard is utilized, you will need to upload the same backup documentation to the PCard Center that is added to the TR. 
    • However, if adding personal travel does increase the cost of the trip, you cannot pay for the trip on a PCard and need to utilize a personal credit card and request reimbursement of the appropriate charges via the TR process.
  2. If choosing to drive versus fly or visa versa (if location is close enough to drive) – The Traveler needs to upload documentation of the cost analysis done to either cap their mileage (e.g., only request up to the cost of the airline ticket, including airline flights cost as back-up) or if you request more, show the cost analysis done to show driving is more economical (e.g., flight + car rental + parking fee at hotel, again including the back-up to support those costs).